On, Thu Mar 25, 2010, B W wrote:

> Howdy.
> Pygame download page claims "python2.5.4 is the best python on windows at
> the moment". This has been the status since I began with Python and Pygame
> about 1.5 years ago. While I appreciate suggestions that save me time and
> agony, it is my nature to always ask why. If the doc says take this pill, it
> will save your life--I gotta ask! Call it a compulsion.
> Why should I prefer Python 2.5.4 on Windows?
> Will Python 2.6 ever be crowned king? What factors are holding it back?
> Will Python 3 ever be crowned king? What factors are holding it back?
> I'm mostly interested in the opinions of the people who assess such things
> at a technology-readiness level, such as the Pygame maintainers and people
> who follow bug management and other objective indicators. Not particularly
> interested "Gumm's personal experience is it works okay" responses. :)

Pygame works fine with Python 2.5 and 2.6, and so far there are no big
issues reported with Python 2.6 (so take the info about 2.5.4 as being
out of date).

Python 3 support is partly available with Pygame (I'm not sure about the
complete readiness state, but most should work fine).

If you need to have stable support for Python 2.4 up to Python 3.x,
(shameless promotion ahead!) I'd recommend you to take a look at
pgreloaded :-).


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