Hi, Alex. Welcome to a fun world.

1. Resizing. See the docs for Transform. You will need to get the new
re-sized rect from the image afterward.

2. Keyboard. The docs for Event describe how to handle events. Pygame makes
it extremely easy. The docs don't seem to adequately explain how to check
modifiers (shift, alt, etc.); there are some great comments at the top of
the page that dig deeper, and list the modifiers. To test modifiers you'll
do something like "e.mod & KMOD_SHIFT". You can catch multiple modifiers by
using logical-or on the KMOD_*.

3. Clicking on squares. By default Pygame queues mouse-click events, which
include attributes for button and coordinates. See the docs for Event. If
you're using Sprites you can test for collisions quite easily.

4. Once you climb the very mild learning curve of sprites, you will find
that using them is a lot easier than doing without. Handling sprites in
groups is also very convenient. Sprites must have an image attribute; and
must have a rect attribute in order to be drawn by its containing Group, for
a number of collision-detection routines, and for other potential reasons.

5. Rects. Rects are a geometric abstraction not to be confused with an
image. A rect defines merely the geometry of an image or other "thing".
Sprites and rects work hand in hand, and are used even for non-drawing
purposes, because Rect is a very slick and wieldy Pygame feature. Examples
of frequent use: defining the screen dimensions; positioning an image or
sprite on the screen; rendering a small part of a large image; detecting
collisions; virtual spaces in game models. Rects: learn em, love em.

Note: Changing a sprite's image. In quick summary and just to be clear:
my_sprite.image = new_image; my_sprite.rect = self.rect.get_rect();
my_sprite.rect.center = my_pos.

Please read the very nice tutorials on pygame.org. They will lead you
through all this in an orderly fashion, save you the struggle of learning
the basics from an API reference, and likely answer any questions that you
may still have. While you are doing this, and any time afterward, please
feel free to ask questions of the mailing list. :)


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 6:13 AM, Alex Hall <mehg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Interesting idea. Is there a way of resizing an image? For example, if
> the user has a 10x10 grid, each square will be bigger than on a 15x15
> grid. Also, I will need to catch keyboard keys (mostly ctrl-m, space,
> enter, and space/enter with modifiers) as well as mouse clicks
> (differentiating between left and right) for each square. So maybe you
> left click a square, or move to it and press ctrl-m. Can Pygame detect
> where on the grid that is with some sort of onImageClick type method,
> or do I have to track coordinates?
> Looks like I have to do a lot more reading on sprites. I heard the
> concept and coding is more difficult than basic Pygame. Oh, you
> mentioned using rects even with sprites; I am not sure why, then, I
> would not just use colored rects in the first place, maybe define a
> blue, red, and white rect and then just overwrite the current rect
> with the appropriate color by changing the new rect's left/top
> arguments? Again, I am quite new to this; I have not even done it in
> another language as I have done with other things, so I am coming at
> it with no reference. Thanks!

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