The only time I know of where that maybe is supposed to happen, is when the
mouse is both grabbed by the window, and invisible. SDL takes that to mean
you want "virtual input" mode, where the mouse is moved back to the center
so you can keep getting relative mouse movement infinitely in all
directions, so it can behave like a trackball. This is documented here:

If this is your case. and relative mouse movement is fine, try using the
mouse event's .rel member instead of it's .pos member, or using
pygame.mouse.get_rel instead of .get_pos

if this is your case, but virtual input is not desireable, reconsider
whether pygame.event.set_grab(true) and pygame.mouse.set_visible(false) are
actually functions you want to call.

if this is not your case, it's a bug, and a minimal sample to reproduce
would be appreciated.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 2:32 PM, SurferIX <> wrote:

> Hi!
> I've got a problem with the mouse: it's going back to the center of
> the screen!
> I don't know where it could come from because it does this only in
> full screen.
> It's exactly the same problem with the game Enigma.
> It seems there's a problem either with SDL or with my computer. But if
> it's with my computer why only in full screen?
> Did you have any trouble like that?
> Thanks a lot!

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