On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 6:30 PM, R. Alan Monroe <amon...@columbus.rr.com>wrote:

> > The nice thing about limiting the framerate versus having calculations be
> > done based on time passed is that it is much more consistent. With dt
> > calculations you will often get huge jumps on slower computers and extra
> > slow movement in cases on fast machines, just do to inaccuracies and
> error
> > in the calculation.  On a slower machine, no matter which timing method
> you
> > use it will be unpleasant.
> What kind of innacuracies, specifically?

For gravity, it's a huge difference. Create 1 planet and 1 asteroid.
Draw lines tracing it's movement.

With a fixed (physics) timestep: body orbits planet correct.
With dynamic physics timestep, the body escapes the gravity well.

Details on here: http://gafferongames.com/game-physics/fix-your-timestep/

> One method for having a smooth variable framerate, without the issues of
> > variable time calculations, is to have a fixed time step. Each frame, you
> > may process more than one timestep, if you need to in order to keep up.
> The
> > timestep has a fixed amount of time it is supposed to similate, say, .02,
> > which would be 60 times per second. If the user is able to run at 60 fps,
> > they get very smooth animation, as only one step is occuring on each
> frame.
> > If the user can only run at 30 fps, they will get two steps each frame,
> so
> > it will be jerkier, but still accurate. If they can only run at 10 fps,
> you
> > would set a limit on it (maybe the max is two timesteps in a frame), so
> > things would be slower for them but maybe still playable.
> [code snipped]
> Is anyone aware of any websites that describe this time/frame business
> pictorially? I have read about it repeatedly and browsed a lot of
> pseudocod over the years, but without a proper diagram it's not really
> sinking in for a visual thinker like myself.
> Alan

Try the http://gafferongames.com/game-physics/fix-your-timestep/ link.

That can have the effect of in your loop That you have multiple physics *
update()* calls per 1 *draw()* call.
def game_update():
    # ...draw() and physics_update() are called here

example debug output of func call order:
at: game_update
at: physics_tick()
at: physics_tick()
at: physics_tick()
at: draw()


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