
I am working on an article for the Python Software Foundation's blog,
http://pyfound.blogspot.com/, about the various Python projects that were
worked on during this year's Google Summer of Code program. They want me to
write up something about what projects were worked on and what the results
were. I found your project information here:

Anyway, since the PSF blog article will be brief, I thought I would also
write up a longer article about your projects on my personal blog as well.
The information I found on the Python wiki page was pretty brief, so I would
appreciate it if you could tell me the following:

1) What was worked on during the GSoC project
2) How many students helped with a guess at how many hours were put in
3) Your experiences being a mentor

If possible, I would like the student's perspective too. Feel free to
forward my information to them. Also feel free to opt out and I won't write
anything more than the already public info I can find. Thanks a lot for your

Mike Driscoll

Blog:   http://blog.pythonlibrary.org

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