This is driving me crazy. I build my pygame app with py2exe (Windows
7) and it seems to start (app blanks the screen black and then should
display login box) but as soon as it blanks the screen it crashes with

Runtime error! The application has requested the runtime to terminate
it in an unusual way.

Here are the Windows problem details:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name:     start.exe_Netrek Pygame
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:        491801a4
  Fault Module Name:    MSVCR90.dll
  Fault Module Version: 9.0.30729.4926
  Fault Module Timestamp:       4a1750b0
  Exception Code:       40000015
  Exception Offset:     00000000000555c7
  OS Version:   6.1.7600.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1:     ea57
  Additional Information 2:     ea576043c39cb5e0986f167cb52b7a1f
  Additional Information 3:     45c4
  Additional Information 4:     45c4c558f159e0fb8bf8eaee810ac14b

I note file MSVCR90.dll, I already have the Microsoft Visual C Runtime
9.0 installed since I have Vistual Studio 2008 Express. I even placed
a copy of this DLL in my Python DLL directory and in my py2exe build
directory. I then made a manifest file as instructed. Is it possible
to get more helpful info as to why my pygame app is crashing in
particular? I tried adding print statements in the code but nothing is
printed on screen.

Here is my py2exe build script:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, pygame
import glob, shutil
import sys, os
import operator, fnmatch, zlib

data_files = [('images',































































































































data_files = data_files,
name='Netrek Pygame',
description='Netrek Pygame Client',
author='James Cameron',

shutil.copyfile('freesansbold.ttf', 'dist/freesansbold.ttf')

Here is the source files if you want to try and run it yourself. Just
unpack and the python files are in the "netrek" directory. Rename
"netrek-client-pygame" to before you run py2exe: python py2exe

I'm using: py2exe-0.6.9.win64-py2.6.amd64.exe,, and python-2.6.amd64.msi


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