So it's just the old font problem then - the new twist to this is now pygame
causes a runtime exception when the default font is not present, where it
used to raise a python exception.

It's because of this change in pygame that py2exe isn't producing happy
stack traces anymore for this problem. That sucks, because the stack trace
in the .log file was very clear about the cause, when it would get produced.

You can repro this by renaming the pygame install's freesansbold.ttf, and
then just running the short font test case, without involving py2exe at all:
import pygame
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 80)

that should raise a pygame exception.

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Christoph Gohlke <> wrote:

> Indeed, the solution to this and Zach's problem is to include the file
> "freesansbold.ttf" in the pygame folder in the dist\ file. For
> the record, the crash also occurred with the 32 bit msvc9 build. No
> *.exe.log is created.
> Christoph

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