David Burton wrote:

(That's because, if you are an experienced programmer, you have learned [probably the hard way] that you really don't want to start anything complicated in response to a click if you're deep in the bowels of the GUI code [which has called your callback function], since the complicated thing you start might want to /use/ that same GUI code, and get button clicks and menu choices of its own, leading to ever deeper recursion in the [hopefully reentrant!] GUI code, and mind-bending complexity and bugs.)

I can't really see how using events helps with that, because if
there's a complicated thing to be done, it needs to be done somehow
or other, and either way it's being done by a piece of code being
called from the event loop, which will hold up the GUI until it's

I don't mean to say that it's *wrong* to use events this way -- if
you find the technique helpful, then that's fine. It's just that the
problem you're describing doesn't seem to arise for me, and I don't
think it would simplify anything in the way I write my game code.

*However, I have noticed that pygame events are somewhat weird. They are objects, but they don't always behave like proper Python objects. There's no __dict__ attribute, and dir() doesn't work,

According to the docs, they have a dict() method instead.


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