On 07.02.2011 05:37, David Burton wrote:
On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Greg Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz <mailto:greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz>> wrote:

    David Burton wrote:

         (That's because, if you are an experienced programmer, you
        have learned [probably the hard way] that you really don't
        want to start anything complicated in response to a click if
        you're deep in the bowels of the GUI code [which has called
        your callback function], since the complicated thing you start
        might want to /use/ that same GUI code, and get button clicks
        and menu choices of its own, leading to ever deeper recursion
        in the [hopefully reentrant!] GUI code, and mind-bending
        complexity and bugs.)

    I can't really see how using events helps with that, because if
    there's a complicated thing to be done, it needs to be done somehow
    or other, and either way it's being done by a piece of code being
    called from the event loop, which will hold up the GUI until it's

The difference is that with callbacks your application code is /not/ called from the event loop, it is called from somewhere deep inside the GUI code.

With pygame events, your application code doesn't even see the button-click or whatever until the GUI coded has finished and exited, so the application author doesn't have to worry about what can go wrong if he tries to do more user interactions at that point.

With callbacks, if, when your application gets a button clock or whatever, it then tries to do more user interactions, it will be reentering the GUI code for a new user interaction from deep within the GUI code itself, because the GUI code hasn't yet returned from processing the previous user interaction, because the callback from the application code hasn't returned. When the second user interaction gets its result, and makes /its/ callback to the application, both the application and the GUI are now reentrant! Two different callbacks are now simultaneously active, and there's no guarantee that the application code won't want to ask the user another question, causing a /third/ level of reentrancy... /and so forth and upward and onward, gee whiz <http://www.flounder.com/mcgrews_view.htm>!/



" from deep within the GUI code itself" <-- how does that get called? from the event loop?

and pushing the events on the pygame event loop could be dangerous because it is possible that there are already other events on the queue that will change the state of the application (or gui elements) so that at the time when your event gets processed it brakes (because the application isn't in the state anymore it was when the event was posted). This is a very subtle bug and difficult to catch. Not sure how to avoid that behavior (maybe posting the gui internal events at the front of the event queue?). Therefore I think callbacks are easier to work with. But I'm not entirely sure how to handle reentrant calls, if there are any (is the recursion a problem at all?). Normally only one user interaction (event) is processed at the time. So i wonder:

"When the second user interaction gets its result, and makes /its/ callback to the application"


Just my opinion.


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