
I guess it is not a well advertised feature, but more recent docs are installed with Pygame. Try:

python -m pygame.docs

(or python -m pygamd.docs.__main__        for python 2.6)

This should bring up the local copy in a browser. If not, they are found in site-packages/pygame/docs

But yes, the docs are incomplete and inconsistent. (It is more fun writing code. :-) ) The HTML is compiled from .doc files stored in the lib and src subdirectories in SVN. Anyone is welcome to download a copy, edit them, and submit patches to the mailing list. Updating the docs in SVN is on the TODO list. Personally, I am considering translating them to reStructuredText or something.

Finally, the online docs are out-of-date. I believe there was a plan to have them update from SVN automatically. But I don't know what has happened to that.

Lenard Lindstrom

On 01/03/11 09:17 AM, David Burton wrote:
There are many other errors in the docs, too. Click "show all comments" and read the comments on the various documentation pages to read about them. They don't appear to have been updated in a long time.

Is anyone "in charge of" those documents? Is there a way to volunteer to fix some of the problems?

Alternately, could they be converted to a wiki, so that we could _all_ fix them? Really, that seems to me like the best solution.


On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Marcel Rodrigues <marcel...@gmail.com <mailto:marcel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    At the top of the page in http://www.pygame.org/docs/ there are a
    list of links to module docs. I just noticed that this list is
    lacking links to Camera and Midi modules. These two modules are
    properly linked from any other module page (e.g.
    /docs/ref/color.html ), but not from /docs/ . Also, the links to
    Pygame and Pixelarray modules in /docs/ are alphabetically swapped.

    The issue was exposed in the IRC channel a few days ago, but
    apparently there was no person available to discuss.


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