(there are two big threads, so this might have been covered)

1] Is there a method other projects use, that we could copy?

2] I would definitely push for a web wiki-interface (at least to allow
'comment's section of current docs )

* allows correction submitions ( mentioned in other thread )
* would allow a more impromptu system for new updates -- vs same guy X
always gets callled on.
* allows easier to organize bite sized updates. (current is too much
for one person, ie: could be: module X  needs 3 edited docstrings)

> But first the existing docs have to be sorted out.

3] I'm willing to volunteer some work on the docs. but
I'm not clear on what needs to be done.

something like:
a] first decide on long-term structure
b] convert all docs to reST
c] wiki interface

4] How much (or not) is the website and code integrated?
I saw big threads about about redesigning the site, is that going on currently?

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