(I just wish for a simplified accurate answer)

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 6:26 PM, Brian Brown <bro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, I'm only blitting the visible parts. It's the tile layering that
> causes 3x more blitting. (floor, carpet, and a possible wall for every
> tile.)
> Blitting the whole 300x300 map will take a very looooong time . . .
>  . . .
> Okay so, will SDL 1.3 regular blitting be 3x faster?
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:52 AM, DR0ID <dr...@bluewin.ch> wrote:
>> **
>> On 12.07.2011 20:12, Brian Brown wrote:
>> Thanks guys,
>> I'm not using Pyopengl. (I found it a little too hard to use.)
>> Pygame and SDL are working perfectly for me-- except-- I need faster
>> blitting. That's all, I think.
>> I've designed my game's graphics to simply rely on the blitting of many
>> 60x60 24-bit surfaces. (Approximately 300 to 500 blits per frame on a
>> scrolling screen of 640x480 resolution. The game is tile based with an
>> overlapping 3D illusion. The floor is drawn first, the "mat" second, and the
>> characters and "blocks" sorted by distance from bottom of screen are last.
>> Should look fantastic when graphics are finished and when the fps is
>> higher.)
>>  If SDL 1.3 will blit basic 24-bit surfaces (with a single colorkey) 3x
>> faster I think my game will work quite nicely.
>>  * I am using convert().
>> * I'm *not* using per-pixel-alpha.
>> * I even blit the freshly-loaded-surfaces onto a new surface to be sure
>> the surfaces haven't inherited any unnecessary data from the png file. (I
>> found this to significantly increase speed.)
>> * The whole screen is scrolling so I use pygame.display.flip().
>> * I think I'm using 24-bit images.
>> * I need a high refresh rate for high speed chases with the local wildlife
>> . . . (bear, tigers, unicorns etc.)
>> * I'll have to try using surface.fill() instead of blitting . . .
>> * My program's code is already running at a nice speed.
>>  Sounds like a great idea to continue programming with pygame and then
>> later speed things up, but--
>>  It's just a little harder to program with slow graphics --My personal
>> policy for low stress programming is to reward myself after every day of
>> hard work by playing the game, and it's not the most fun in slow motion.
>>  Is there a way to convert 24-bit pygame surfaces to 8 bit RLE just
>> to temporarily speed things up for testing?
>> Thanks for the great advice guys.
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 6:14 AM, René Dudfield <ren...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Sean Wolfe <ether....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dude this was a really good answer. Rrrrrespect
>>>>   Indeed, good answer.
>>> Also, are you using fast rendering techniques?
>>>    - Using 8 bit RLE encoded surfaces for the low colour depth images
>>>    - avoiding per pixel alpha surfaces.
>>>    - using convert() appropriately (except not on those low colour
>>>    surfaces).
>>>    - using fill() to fill in colours instead of blit.
>>>    - using LayeredDirty sprite group, and DirtySprite sprites to do
>>>    dirty rectangle updates.
>>>    - updating parts of the screen at the lowest refresh rate they need.
>>>    eg, displaying fps, may only need be done once every 10 frames.
>>>    - profiled your game ( to see which parts are slow.)
>>>    http://pygame.org/wiki/Profiling
>>> SDL 1.3 is faster with opengl/direct3d surfaces.  But it's _still not
>>> finished.
>>> cu.
>> Hi
>> Just a side note: If you have a scrolling world then blit only the visible
>> parts, that will give you a performance boost (not sure if you do this
>> already).
>> ~DR0ID

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