On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 8:00 AM, Sean Wolfe <ether....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Don't have to click for every frame, it will run the whole list of
> frames on a single mousebuttondown.

That wasn't really my point; graphics is only being drawn when the user
clicks.  Generally input and graphics are disassociated.  I see that this
way allows you to only redraw when you need to, but it's a bad idea in

However, given that this *is* your desired behavior, I suspect the actual *
problem* to be with the clock.tick calls.  When passed a framerate
argument, the clock will attempt to average over a certain number of time
samples to get a proper framerate.  You're only ever calling tick when
there's a mouse event, so the average will get screwed up.  Also, it's set
to 10fps, which is kinda low.


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