On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Thomas Kluyver <tak...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 29 December 2012 12:09, René Dudfield <ren...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> as I mentioned a couple of times already, I've been working on a new
>> website.
> Excellent. Is there a repository anywhere so that people can help you with
> it? How far is it from being ready to replace the current site?
>> There has also been work on integrating the buildbots to use travis-ci
>> and some other build hosts, to go along with the current build page at:
>> http://thorbrian.com/pygame/builds.php
> 'Current' seems a bit of a stretch when it hasn't run in over a year. ;-)
> Besides Travis, I've also used Shining Panda (
> https://www.shiningpanda-ci.com/ ), which has a free plan for open source
> projects, and Launchpad recipe builds. I can lend a hand with setting that
> sort of thing up, if you'd like.
> Best wishes,
> Thomas

Hi ya,

@Thomas: it would be great if you can help out with the CI stuff.  Perhaps
create an issue with your plans RE Launchpad, shining panda etc, so the
rest of us can follow along with what you're up to.

An update:

There is a list of website tasks growing here:

Thanks to Radomir, and Thomas, there have already been a couple of fixes

The list of website tasks and issues will slowly grow as I (and others) can
add them.  So progress should be able to be tracked by looking at the
website component issues (once most of the tasks have been added).

Discuss the specific tasks in the relevant issues.  Or if you want a wider
discussion, please post a link to the issue in the mailing list :)

Also, the pygame user has been switched to the new bitbucket 'team' type of
account, which makes it much easier to create new repos by everyone in the
team.  Some new repos are going to be added.  One for the existing buildbot
code, so people can update it (eg, to use hg).  Also a 'downloads' repo for
installers and source code will be added.

Other repos will be added for separate things as needed (eg, the source
code update downloader will probably have a separate repo.  It downloads
updates from google code, bitbucket, github etc, so we can see what updates
are happening to everyones projects).  These will be added along with the
new tasks for separate parts of the website.

** If anyone asks to create a pygame account website account before the new
signup part is finished, please ask them to email me or the list to ask for
an account.  It would be good if you can check first if they have some sort
of source code for their project or if you know them already to avoid
spammers. **

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