Hi Nicco,

Thanks for all your points, many of which I agree with or plan to address
with future iterations.  Especially the LoFi view will be a more
traditional simple UI like many m.example.com websites.

I will ponder your point about "recent releases" comment especially.  This
is the number one thing I want to promote with the website.  What people
are working on!

People who make things should get the number one spot on the website.  It's
better that people are making things, or talking about their projects, than
general chatting I think.  So we should promote collaboration, and promote
people making releases.  We should also help them get their projects some
attention, and try to foster friendly dialogs between all of us making
things together.

Not all of the content is in, and I hope to add more descriptions about
what things are.  A section for newbies is definitely something we want to
add.  I'll note that growth of our community is not be the number one
priority for me, rather than providing a better website for people doing
stuff with python, pygame, and other gfx/snd type things.  Most of the
content is user editable via the wiki, play list editors, issue tracker,
commit logs, twitter, reddit, project comments etc.

all the best,

ps. The scrollbar goes full width now.  Thanks again :)

On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Nicco Kunzmann <
nicco.kunzm...@student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I did not read the other comments but here are some thoughts.
> Great that Pygame is doing something! A new website will show that there
> is something going on.
> I would expect something filled:
> Also the line ends before the scoll bar... So I did not think there is
> more content on the right.
> Why is it ending on the right but on the left it ends with the screen?
> Be aware that Nobody may get it that you should navigate with the arrow
> keys. Mobile devices?
> My second reaction was: too much information. I scroll down and get lost.
> Why do I need to see 100 projects?
> If you can, reduce this to the size of a mobile phone, each column.
> Suggestion: the areas/topics are great. For me to know, what I am
> interested in, I need ONE example of each topic to grasp what it is about.
> Then I will have decided whether I need the rest.
> Reduce the content to make me understand more content: (or not hinder me)
> 1 most recent GAME?. klick on it and you see the list (maybe new page)
> (recent game because what are releases? releases of pygame? the non-game
> ratio should be so small that you can uses game here. here maths: if 99%
> understand "recent game" and 1% shown is not a game then 98% understand it.
> if 80% understand "release" right it is still not 98%.)
> 1 recent news
> 1 tweet
> 5 reddit questions (I will not read them, just scan what they look like
> and be happy that there is support if I need it)
> 1 video thumbnail, click and I see the list with this video
> first paragraph of the about. If people are not interested in the rest
> they will not read it.
> first paragraph of the tutorials .. same
> ...
> => record the clicks to get what is most important to people. which of
> these categories do they visit?
> + where can I give feedback on the page?
> By reducing the content it is easier to navigate and to find what I am
> looking for. It is hard to reduce. But perfection is there if you can not
> remove anything anymore and not if you can not add anything.
> Sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear. The side looks great.
> <positivefeedback>
> I like that I see an example as soon as I am on the page.
> I would like to see something like "This is what people say about pygame".
> </positivefeedback>
> Try to find out why people use the pygame website. Optimize with use-cases.
> download? Or just a one-click I download something and can create/modify
> my own pygame (pong). This should also be possible with portable python.
> Hopefully this is not too much. I am really happy about your work on
> pygame!
> Greetings,
> Nicco
> Am 05.04.2014 15:36, schrieb René Dudfield:
>  Hi,
> here's a preview of the HiFi part of the new pygame website...
> http://pygame.org/hifi.html
>  What do you think?

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