Thanks to everyone who has already replied, and thanks Thomas for the torrent! 
I have to learn to make that as well for next time.

As the game may seem a bit esoteric, I've made a (very preliminary) website 
with a paste of the readme and a barebones gameplay tutorial that includes some 
screenshots and possibly helpful directions. Or you can probably print it and 
turn it into a flipbook.

A real doc is in the works.
I'd love to have more comments from gamedevs on how to streamline the 
experience; the indie scene is excellent at perfect gameplay fetichism and I've 
much to learn on that side.

For the anecdotal side of it, it was really exciting to develop this entirely 
from the ground up in pygame. Who would have thought that the single thing to 
teach me most about programming would be making an Undo/Redo system for the 
editor? I'm hoping to finish cleaning it and release it soon (although I learnt 
everything as I went so my architecture is completely crazy)

Cheers to everyone and happy game making.


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