It is great to see that an new final release is on the way. Can this then
please also be released on PyPi? Not having Pygame in PyPi at the moment is
a big problem for every other package that relies on Pygame. I see that
Windows wheels are already available on testpypi, so I really hope that
soon PyPi proper also has wheels for Pygame. Any comment on this would also
be appreciated.


On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 7:27 PM, René Dudfield <> wrote:

> Hi Lenard,
> Seems to be a few issues with the freetype module. I made a list of them
> at the bottom of this issue.
> Are you able to help with these ones?
> best,
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <> wrote:
>> I think we only need builds for Python 2.7 and 3.4.
>> Lenard
>> On 14-12-14 06:22 AM, René Dudfield wrote:
>>> Hi Lenard,
>>> I'm still not entirely sure the state of everything, so can't really say
>>> if there's anything more you should do. I'm still working through the issue
>>> tracker and trying stuff out. Hopefully by the end of my day today we will
>>> have a better idea. I'm going to be marking everything I think we can avoid
>>> doing to the milestone 1.9.3 in the issue tracker.
>>> Hopefully some windows and mac buildbots will help us develop there, as
>>> well as let us all know what is broken. I'll focus today on the buildbots
>>> too.
>>> best,
>>> On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 11:36 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>     Hi René,
>>>     Great news. Anything more I should do? I got distracted earlier
>>>     this year when, on the PyPy mailing list, I got the impression
>>>     that new buffer support was of low priority, making much of the
>>>     work I did on Pygame irrelevant to PyPy. But that is my personal
>>>     interpretation, and may be entirely wrong. This is something I
>>>     need to address with the PyPy developers, but can wait until after
>>>     1.9.2 is released. The added new buffer support is still relevant
>>>     to CPython.
>>>     I am for doing one final push to get version 1.9.2 release worthy,
>>>     but won't add any new features. These can wait until the basics of
>>>     the SDL2 version 2.0 are decided. For now I can see more work on
>>>     the documentation, and looking at unit tests and bugs.
>>>     Unfortunately I cannot do much to help with the Windows build, as
>>>     I only have XP i386 installed on my machine, and little interest
>>>     in upgrading (I do have access to a Windows 7 machine, so maybe I
>>>     can do a final release build.)
>>>     I think an end-of-January release date is realistic. I will now go
>>>     to the bug tracker to see what is left to do.
>>>     Lenard Lindstrom
>>>     On 14-12-12 10:33 PM, René Dudfield wrote:
>>>         Hi,
>>>         I've been prodded by a bunch of people on finally getting this
>>>         done. But requests from people in the UK using it for teaching
>>>         are the main motivation. Yes, it's highly unbelievable it will
>>>         actually happen this time... but who knows?
>>>         1.9.2 release:
>>>           *
>>>           *
>>>         Debian python 3:
>>> python-3-package-for-192
>>>         OS X:
>>> pygame/issues?component=OS%20X
>>>         Windows:
>>>         I'm working on it this weekend. I'll concentrate on making
>>>         installation of what we have easier, but also getting the
>>>         1.9.2 release out which is blocking a new package in Debian.
>>>         I'll be moving stuff I deem not critical for the release into
>>>         having a 1.9.3 tag, rather than 1.9.2. I'll eventually be
>>>         removing modules that are not stable and were not in previous
>>>         releases. If they are blocking the release, and no one can fix
>>>         them they will be removed.
>>>         If anyone is around to help, there are a mountain of tasks to
>>>         do. I'll be in #pygame on irc, the mailing list, and in the
>>>         issue tracker. Also, if anyone is in Berlin and wants to meet
>>>         up to hack on pygame, that would be great.
>>>         best,

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