That was it, thanks!  It was set to 150% (so I had eyeballed it alright
:)), and setting it to 100% fixes it.

Now, this seems like a problem for releasing software.  Do I need to tell
all the people who use my game to go check their DPI setting?  Is there no
way to programmatically account for this and make it "just work"?

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 3:45 AM, <> wrote:

> What's your system DPI setting?
> On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 6:43 PM, Estevo <> wrote:
>> When I call pygame.display.set_mode the resulting window is about 150%
>> the requested size.  That's true whether I ask for FULLSCREEN or not.  When
>> I do ask for fullscreen, the window is too big (and thus I only get to see
>> the upper left part) whether I explicitly set the screen size to that of my
>> laptop's monitor (1920x1080) or use (0,0) for auto detection.  HWSURFACE
>> and bit depth doesn't seem to matter at all in this respect.
>> Either calling get_size on the return value of set_mode or calling
>> pygame.display.Info claims that the window is indeed 1920x1080.
>> Has anyone heard about this problem?
>> My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite P50-B-10V.  It has two graphics cards:
>> one Intel HD Graphics 4600, which it uses by default, and one AMD Radeon R9
>> M265X, which IIUC only gets used when I plug in an external monitor.  I'm
>> using pygame-1.9.1-win32-py2.7, Python 2.7 on Windows 8.1.
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Estevo.

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