Indeed. Me too. However, SDL uses the zlib license. But I guess that
doesn't mean we should automatically do that too. It might make sharing
code with them easier.

On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 3:17 AM, Daniel Foerster <>

> I'd prefer use of the MIT or Apache 2.0 licenses to the less common zlib,
> for what it's worth.
> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 7:52 AM, René Dudfield <> wrote:
>> I'm not sure if we should move it right now. I think so. I guess it'd be
>> a bit of work updating the build tools. But already many of them work off
>> the github mirror(s). The main work is filling in the member name
>> translations (but I think I could do that in an hour or so).
>> Yeah, let's all shed a tear for the monoculture. But I don't see
>> bitbucket/Atlassian, or gitlab going away anytime soon. But if it makes
>> things a tiny bit easier for contributors, I'm ok with that. I've wasted
>> time explaining hg, and bitbucket so many times to people already.
>> I think making it easier for people to publish commercial games will be
>> good for everyone using pygame. Currently Apple prevents people doing that
>> with LGPL. Otherwise I don't really care. I'm pretty sure most people would
>> be happy with a license like what SDL moved to (zlib). But haven't
>> explicitly asked everyone if they are apposed to zlib. Also, I don't know
>> if there is a foundation that would be willing to take it. Perhaps PSF,
>> Raspberrypi, or Kivy foundations are all options to ask. Just re-licensing,
>> and keeping the copyrights as is, is also an option.
>> Why not a ctypes/runtime binded way? The main issue with ctypes, is again
>> Apple, but also emscripten/asmjs/webassembly.
>> Why pygame using SDL2 patches by Lennard? Good question, I'm not sure
>> which is the better way myself. This would allow us to gradually improve
>> things, and reuse much of our existing code. To introduce new APIs where
>> needed, and keep the old ones where they are. Doing big changes can be
>> risky. pygame_sdl2 will require quite a bit of backwards compatibility
>> work... who will do that work? Was the only reason for pygame_sdl2 to avoid
>> the LGPL? Does it still make sense with a zlib pygame? What other benefits
>> does pygame_sdl2 provide?
>> I'd really be interested to know from Tom and Lennard what they think. It
>> doesn't sound like Tom is interested in working so much on backwards
>> compatibility. But also, Lennard mentioned quite some time ago that
>> pygame_sdl2 could be a way forward.
>> The main benefit of a foundation (if we don't need to run it!) is that
>> donations, grants and such are much easier to deal with. Whilst dealing
>> with GSoc and other grants things was something I was happy to be involved
>> with it was a lot of admin, for something which can be more easily shared
>> in a larger organisation (like for example the PSF).
>> For now, my own main pygame priorities are:
>>    - Making the website a bit more usable.
>>    - Trying to bring some of the pygame projects together, on github on
>>    the website (maybe with pygame 1.9x).
>>    - Coming to a consensus on way forward with everyone regarding
>>    licensing, and what to base future pygame releases on (probably
>>    pygame_sdl2, zlib, or Lennards SDL2 patches).
>>    - Also working to make distribution of peoples games better. Both for
>>    people who want to just show off their work, and people who want to try 
>> and
>>    publish games.
>>    - Fix a few remaining packaging issues, and install issues with
>>    pygame 1.9x (like the macos thing)
>>    - Modernise the pygame code with regards to type hints and docs.
>>    (again, so people and newbies especially get better feedback in their
>>    editors).
>>    - ... make it work better on raspberrypi.
>> Finally I'd like to highlight some of cool bits in pygame 1.9.3. There's
>> some pretty major pieces in there, that I don't know so many people know
>> about.
>> I think it would be pretty good if pygame zero, pygame2, and pygame 1.9
>> were on github in the same organization. Also if we decided on a way
>> forward (with pygame_sdl2 or however) for pygame2. It feels like there's a
>> bit of momentum now with pygame, and getting the projects together will
>> only increase the excitement further. But more importantly it will let us
>> share our limited resources in a much better way.
>> cheers,
>> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 11:09 AM, Thomas Kluyver <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 16 March 2017 at 10:01, René Dudfield <> wrote:
>>>> Yeah, with the python community moved to github, it's really past time
>>>> to move.
>>> Do you also want to move the pygame repo itself onto Github rather than
>>> using it as a mirror? Or is pygame in maintenance-only mode, and it's less
>>> important to attract new contributors?
>>> I agree that it's easiest to attract contributors if your project is on
>>> Github, but at the same time, I'm a bit sad that we seem to be heading for
>>> a total Github monoculture.
>>> Thomas

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