There's some more conversation over on the reddit.

On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 8:57 AM, René Dudfield <> wrote:

> Haha. "import pygumm" definitely does sound better. Seriously.
> For *me* pypy is a non goal, and CFFI has some drawbacks. I know pypy also
> has plenty of upsides in certain cases... which has been mentioned a lot,
> so I won't repeat the good parts about it here.
> This was my reasoning...
>    - CFFI is slower on CPython. CPython is what 99% of people use.
>    - People don't really contribute if something is in python which
>    interfaces in C - and they only know python. This has been proven by other
>    cffi and ctypes projects. Ctypes, and CFFI is a much rarer skill than
>    standard platform tools. C still happens to be very widely known.
>    - CFFI has issues on weird platforms... like iOS.
>    - Cython, numba, numexpr are available. Numpy is not hard to install
>    any more. These are faster than pypy in throughput, and latency.
>    - Shaders in GLSL are pretty damn amazing if you need cross platform
>    CPU/GPU acceleration.
>    - pypy has jit warm up, jankiness because of jit and GC, and also
>    doesn't work on weird platforms like iOS.
>    - Converting everything to shared libraries, and supporting pypy is a
>    whole lot more effort. However, in general I support sending things
>    upstream and separating the C/asm code from the python code. So that it's
>    easier for other people to use them, and there is less maintenance on
>    pygame itself. However, packaging up shared libraries for multiple
>    platforms is a lot of work. If those shared libraries are not already
>    packaged for the 24 platforms, that actually creates maintenance burden as
>    well.
>    - pygame_cffi is slower on pypy than on CPython for many apps where
>    the bottlenecks are already in the C/asm/platform code. Before the pypy
>    project took funding, forked pygame, removed credits and copyright info,
>    they were warned that blit was the bottleneck. So, like in a lot of things,
>    it looks good in their benchmarks, but for real world things it doesn't
>    perform so well - in many cases.
>    - pypy uses significantly larger amounts of memory. Which is important
>    for some older, or low memory systems.
>    - pypy is slower than CPython where it matters for real time apps.
>    Where pypy is faster, there are faster extensions available for CPython,
>    and more appropriate for game JITs. Pypy has many performance cliffs, where
>    it is really fast for some things after lots of warmup, but then for some
>    magic un-obvious reason you fall into the valley of slow. The baseline pure
>    python code performance is always faster in CPython when the jit can't
>    work. Lower bound performance, and consistent performance turns out to be
>    really important to real time apps. This means you can write a lot more
>    code in python, without falling into the valley of slow.
> Happy to take patches for pygame to help make it easier for anyone who
> wants to share code. Rect is mainly an SDL thing, with a whole bunch of
> niceties mostly at the python integration level. I'm not sure how to
> separate any of that really. There are pure python implementations of Rect,
> and perhaps you could use that to implement something in RPython for
> integration with pypy? But I think perhaps this runs into the case where
> integrating with C is slower in CFFI when there are lots of calls which
> take very little time. I'm sure the pypy CFFI people could help you there.
> Again, there are definitely some good use cases for pypy, and CFFI. Even
> in games. Like in your game. But for me, and for the reasons above, I don't
> think it's a good idea for pygame. At the moment.
> CPython has had some really nice speed improvements recently (since 2015).
> Python 3.6 is good, and 3.7 is looking significantly faster for some
> benchmarks.
> 2Bdefault%2C5%2BL%2B2.7&ben=223%2C224%2C225%2C226%2C227%
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> 2C283%2C286&env=1&hor=true&bas=none&chart=normal+bars
> Especially with all the FASTCALL work.
> Accepted CPython jit API pep.
> I like this trend where people have decided to work together to get things
> into the CPython project, rather than do forks.
> cheers,
> On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 6:32 AM, bw <> wrote:
>> Hi, thanks for inviting me to opine. :)
>> I like it. But "import pygumm" looks a lot more handsome than "import
>> pygame2". Seriously.
>> Having had much recent experience with a SDL2 implementation (pypy, CFFI,
>> plus all the SDL2 libs), I found that I would really like to see in the
>> next generation:
>> 1. CFFI wrapper. It is Python, which any of us can write, and it exposes
>> all of the SDL2 API to programmers, not just what the C developers choose
>> to expose. This would make pygame superbly extensible. And it would allow
>> easy ad hoc inclusion of third-party prebuilt libs, something that is a
>> fairly high bar to hurdle in pygame gen 1.
>> 2. CFFI would also make pygame compatible with pypy, something which is
>> sorely needed in my opinion. One can use optimization tricks to compensate
>> for CPython's speed limit, but one cannot do many things that are
>> computationally intensive without farming out to a third-party opaque
>> library. pypy could let coders do a lot more in Python, when a full blown
>> physics/geometry/numeric/scientific opaque lib is overkill.
>> 3. I had acquired the problem of a slower Rect in pypy, however, because
>> pygame has a pyd and I'm not spiffy enough to port it to anything but
>> Python. If CFFI and pypy are an option worthy of consideration, Rect would
>> be best done in a shared library. Rect is truly a workhorse, and pypy Rects
>> can't compete with pygame Rects under heavy usage of Rect() and inflate and
>> move, etc. In pygame most of my time is spent in blit(). In pypy most of my
>> time is spent in Rect, because the class is 100% Python except for the
>> four-slot CFFI data structure.
>> See what can be done with CFFI and pypy here:
>> I made a number of releases and games And a few drop-in tests "import
>> gsdl2 as pygame", but it ain't perfect. However, I wasn't trying hard for
>> software rendering compatibility, I was shooting for the new texture
>> features. As expected, I discovered that all of the software-blit
>> optimization tricks that I solved in gummworld2 were no longer needed.
>> Sounds like a few of you have already put a lot of thought and discussion
>> into the next gen, and I understand this is something completely different.
>> I certainly don't propose gsdl2 as a new code base. But it would be grand
>> if choose to use CFFI. I have no stake in seeing my code transform into a
>> butterfly, but if parts of it are useful then good.
>> Also, an acceptable alternative might be to provide CFFI-compatible
>> shared libs so that people who want to use pypy have that choice, even if
>> they do not have the nice pygame API available. If so, anybody could write
>> a pygame-like API just like I did, and it doesn't need to be maintained by
>> the pygame core developers.
>> On 3/18/2017 5:02 AM, René Dudfield wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> so, I've spent some more time reading source code, and investigating
>>> SDL2 and the options a lot.
>>> I *think* this plan below could be the best way forward for us.
>>> tldr;
>>>  * have a single source SDL1, and SDL2 code base with a compile time
>>> option. (like we have single source py2 and py3).
>>>  * move bitbucket/pygame repo to github/pygame.
>>> Rather than reimplementing everything, and introducing lots of
>>> compatibility bugs, Instead I think a gradual approach would work better.
>>> I'm starting to think that perhaps pygame_sdl2 by Tom, is not such a great
>>> way forward (for the pygame project, I think it was necessary and good for
>>> Ren'Py).
>>> A big breaking change is kind of silly for how little resources we have.
>>> Python 3 managed to pull it off... after a decade, and with massive
>>> resources having poured into it. And it only took off once they put
>>> compatibility code back in. Here's the thread where some discussion has
>>> been happening.
>>> -sdl2-edition
>>> What we do have is some patches to get the current code base working
>>> with SDL2.
>>> I think it should be possible with some work to improve an SDL2
>>> compatibility layer, so that pygame code base can work with either (as a
>>> compile time option). Then newer APIs can be introduced in time, in a non
>>> break-every-program kind of way. Also, it's been proven that 'hardware'
>>> blitting does not need to break SDL1 API compatibility to use hardware
>>> accelerated APIs (Angle, SDL_gpu, [insert 4 or 5 other projects], ...).
>>> Having a pygame2, or whatever separate repo would also make maintenance
>>> harder. Since for the foreseeable future, we will likely need to do
>>> maintenance releases for this anyway (at least I want to!, and I know other
>>> users of pygame will).
>>> ---
>>> For pip uploads, they would continue to be for SDL1, until we can finish
>>> the SDL2 changes, and it works better. There would be no new additions
>>> until compatibility is mostly there.
>>> The work would progress by slowly adding in compatibility changes whilst
>>> keeping pygame working. By keeping the SDL2 patch set as is, and slowly
>>> reducing the patch set until it is size zero. So we always have a pygame
>>> with sdl2, and a pygame with sdl1 that is producible. Eventually the patch
>>> set will disappear.
>>> ---
>>> A pygame2 module would just cause confusion amongst users, and that
>>> really boring 'pygame 1 or pygame 2' type debate would go on, and on like
>>> the "python 2, verses python 3" one did. For me, just avoiding that
>>> discussion for the next decade would be worth it.
>>> Then there would need to be two sets of documentation on the website.
>>> And two sets of tutorials... and... we'd have 2 of everything to *do*, and
>>> 2 of everything for people to look at.
>>> Finally, "import pygame2" looks kind of weird. I've grown used to
>>> "import pygame".
>>> ...
>>> I'm keen to get moving on this. I've been trying to get feedback on the
>>> 'pygame sdl2 addition' issue for the last month, and the issue has been
>>> open since 2013. So I'd like to put a time limit on this decision for one
>>> more week.
>>> I'd really like to hear back from contributors, and users (everyone).
>>> ps. Interestingly SDL_gfx has an SDL2 release now.

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