I think that rewriting the extension modules in cython would be a great way
to make the project accessible to new developers.

Writing extensions in C, as it is now, requires that developers have 1.
Good C skills, 2. Understanding of the Python C library, 3. Knowledge of
the SDL library, 4. Understanding of low-level details about the platforms
it supports, and finally, 5. a good sense of how pygame works.

If you can imagine those skills charted as a Venn diagram, it's not
difficult to understand why it is hard to maintain pygame as is, because
only a handful of people have those skills and actually care.

Cython is not difficult to learn and looks like Python. It would be less of
a barrier of entry for new developers to contribute.

Also, let's not forget that C in general is losing mindshare, as new
developers tend to learn JS, java, and Python for their classes.

At that point however, Toms python_sdl2 is already doing that so, where
does that leave pygame2?

If cython is chosen, better to let pygame 1.9 die gracefully and move on to
a better platform and not duplicate effort (by moving to python_sdl2).

Good night, sweet prince, in that case.

On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 5:02 PM Lenard Lindstrom <le...@telus.net> wrote:

> Hi René and everyone else,
> I like this approach. My patches achieve the first step, using SDL2. The
> next step is to introduce new SDL2 features as new modules and classes.
> I suppose the SDL2 patches can be incorporated as conditionally compiled
> code. They can be added one at a time, but must all be in place to work
> properly. Then any new Pygame modules will expose SDL2 features only, so
> not be built for SDL1.
> As a long term goal SDL1 can be removed and SDL1 legacy modules
> reimplemented on top of the SDL2 specific code.
> Is there any reason new modules should not be written in Cython? If not
> then we could try to use parts of pygame_sdl2 to quickly introduce SDL2
> specific features.
> Lenard Lindstrom
> On 17-03-18 05:02 AM, René Dudfield wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > so, I've spent some more time reading source code, and investigating
> > SDL2 and the options a lot.
> >
> > I *think* this plan below could be the best way forward for us.
> >
> > tldr;
> >  * have a single source SDL1, and SDL2 code base with a compile time
> > option. (like we have single source py2 and py3).
> >  * move bitbucket/pygame repo to github/pygame.
> >
> >
> > Rather than reimplementing everything, and introducing lots of
> > compatibility bugs, Instead I think a gradual approach would work
> > better. I'm starting to think that perhaps pygame_sdl2 by Tom, is not
> > such a great way forward (for the pygame project, I think it was
> > necessary and good for Ren'Py).
> >
> > A big breaking change is kind of silly for how little resources we
> > have. Python 3 managed to pull it off... after a decade, and with
> > massive resources having poured into it. And it only took off once
> > they put compatibility code back in. Here's the thread where some
> > discussion has been happening.
> >
> https://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame/issues/174/pygame-20-the-sdl2-edition
> >
> >
> > What we do have is some patches to get the current code base working
> > with SDL2.
> > https://bitbucket.org/llindstrom/pygame-1.10-patch
> >
> > I think it should be possible with some work to improve an SDL2
> > compatibility layer, so that pygame code base can work with either (as
> > a compile time option). Then newer APIs can be introduced in time, in
> > a non break-every-program kind of way. Also, it's been proven that
> > 'hardware' blitting does not need to break SDL1 API compatibility to
> > use hardware accelerated APIs (Angle, SDL_gpu, [insert 4 or 5 other
> > projects], ...).
> >
> > Having a pygame2, or whatever separate repo would also make
> > maintenance harder. Since for the foreseeable future, we will likely
> > need to do maintenance releases for this anyway (at least I want to!,
> > and I know other users of pygame will).
> >
> > ---
> >
> > For pip uploads, they would continue to be for SDL1, until we can
> > finish the SDL2 changes, and it works better. There would be no new
> > additions until compatibility is mostly there.
> >
> > The work would progress by slowly adding in compatibility changes
> > whilst keeping pygame working. By keeping the SDL2 patch set as is,
> > and slowly reducing the patch set until it is size zero. So we always
> > have a pygame with sdl2, and a pygame with sdl1 that is producible.
> > Eventually the patch set will disappear.
> >
> > ---
> >
> > A pygame2 module would just cause confusion amongst users, and that
> > really boring 'pygame 1 or pygame 2' type debate would go on, and on
> > like the "python 2, verses python 3" one did. For me, just avoiding
> > that discussion for the next decade would be worth it.
> >
> > Then there would need to be two sets of documentation on the website.
> > And two sets of tutorials... and... we'd have 2 of everything to *do*,
> > and 2 of everything for people to look at.
> >
> > Finally, "import pygame2" looks kind of weird. I've grown used to
> > "import pygame".
> >
> > ...
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm keen to get moving on this. I've been trying to get feedback on
> > the 'pygame sdl2 addition' issue for the last month, and the issue has
> > been open since 2013. So I'd like to put a time limit on this decision
> > for one more week.
> >
> > I'd really like to hear back from contributors, and users (everyone).
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ps. Interestingly SDL_gfx has an SDL2 release now.
> > http://www.ferzkopp.net/wordpress/2016/01/02/sdl_gfx-sdl2_gfx/
> >

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