Thanks Ian for the clear post! I think this is the sort of thing I was
trying to get at, but I don't know as much about it.

On 20 March 2017 at 17:42, Ian Mallett <> wrote:

> Hi,
> As sort of a side-note, since performance has come up . . .
> Per-pixel drawing operations, if they must be individually managed by the
> CPU, will always be much faster to do on the CPU. This means things like
> Surface.set_at(...) and likely as well as potentially
> things like draw.rect(...) and draw.line(...). And it means everything, if
> there are a lot of calls. The GPU is obviously faster at graphics
> operations in-general, but it's still a thorough loss if you have to send
> the commands over the PCIe in the first place: if not in processing time,
> then in latency. As a matter of fact, this is true for most things people
> try to use GPUs for, and mitigating it is why e.g. Vulkan has to be so
> complex.
> What does this have to do with anything?
> Well, it's a philosophical question of what we want pygame to be:
> 1: Hardware-accelerated pygame-API-compatible library. (Basically won't
> work for reasons above.)
> 2: Hardware-accelerated pygame-API-incompatible library. (Fine, but AFAIK
> this already exists <>.
> There are probably other projects too.)
> 3: Software pygame-API-compatible library. (We have this now, and any
> movement to SDL2 should be considered in light of what features it changes
> (i.e. many misc. improvements, but worse (?) blitting).)
> 4: Software pygame-API-incompatible library. (Works best, IMO, with any
> plan to support SDL2.)
> Python is a slow language, and if you're using it, you're implicitly
> saying usability is more important right now. This includes graphics, and
> pygame is currently occupying that niche: highly usable, low-level,
> slow(ish; still pretty fast) graphics. If we want hardware acceleration
> (options 1, 2) then we're moving outside that niche. Ditto, to a lesser
> extent, breaking compatibility to add more-modern features (option 4). So
> basically, what it comes down to is whether we like our niche, whether
> moving to/incorporating SDL2 is focusing on a real problem, if so whether
> moving to SDL2 affects our feature set in ways we do like, and if so
> whether this affects our niche in ways we don't like.
> Ian

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