On 06.04.2018 18:12, Leif Theden wrote:
Ahem.  I'll shill more of my libraries:


Tasks and tweening using pygame groups.  No framework needed to have things execute over time.

On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 8:39 AM, Martin Kühne <mysat...@gmail.com <mailto:mysat...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 2:40 PM, Yann Thorimbert
    <yann.thorimb...@unige.ch <mailto:yann.thorimb...@unige.ch>> wrote:
    > Not exactly awesome,

    Come again? What ridiculous standard are you assuming there for



here my awsome libs for pygame:

- hierarchial state machine: https://bitbucket.org/dr0id/symplehfsm/overview

- loading sprite sheets (it can load any shapes, but usage is a bit cumbersome, needs an update): https://bitbucket.org/dr0id/spritesheetlib

- collection of useful tools (tweening, animation, context, timing, fonts, spritesystem, skeleton, ...) for games (used mostly in pyweeks): https://bitbucket.org/dr0id/pyknic

- tmx loader: https://bitbucket.org/dr0id/pytmxloader

None of them is pip installable so I recommend to copy them into your project and use them from there. Maybe someone find any of this useful. Contribution and suggestions are welcome.


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