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чет, 17. сеп 2020. у 22:16 Russell Cumins <rcum...@gmail.com> је написао/ла:

> Hi Irv,
> Found this on Google.
> https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/67964/what-does-24bit-mean-exactly-when-referring-to-png-image-file
> If it is correct, then the alpha channel would show up on a PNG with 32
> bit depth.
> E.g
> (R,G,B) -> (8 bits, 8 bits, 8 bits) = PNG-24
> (R,G,B, A) -> (8 bits, 8 bits, 8 bits, 8 bits) = PNG-32
> That being said. I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think convert_alpha()
> can handle images without an alpha channel anyway.
> On Thu, 17 Sep 2020, 00:47 Irv Kalb, <i...@furrypants.com> wrote:
>> I'm updating a class that loads and displays an image - an Image class.
>> The class also has many additional calls to rotate, scale, show, hide,
>> etc.  I'm using pygame 1.9.6 with Python 3.7.3
>> I know that I should be converting the original image that is loaded into
>> a better format for displaying in a window. So I want to change my code to
>> take care of that conversion.  My understanding is that if the image has an
>> alpha channel, then when I load the image I should use ".convert_alpha()",
>> and if not, I should use ".convert()".  (Please let me know if this is not
>> correct.)
>> I want people who use this class to be able to load any image (typically
>> png or jpg file), and have my code do the conversion the appropriate way
>> without having to ask the caller to let me know the type of the image.
>> Therefore, in my class, when I load an image, I want to know if the image
>> has an alpha channel.  I'm not sure of the best way of doing this.  So far,
>> I've come up with two different ways to do this.
>> Approach #1 - check the extension of the file:
>> self.originalImage = pygame.image.load(path)
>> if path.endswith('.png'):
>>     self.originalImage.convert_alpha()
>> else:
>>     self.originalImage.convert()
>> Approach #2 - check the bitdepth of the image:
>> self.originalImage = pygame.image.load(path)
>> if pygame.Surface.get_bitsize(self.origialImage) == 24:
>>     self.originalImage.convert_alpha()
>> else:
>>     self.originalImage.convert()
>> In my tests, both seem to work, but I don't feel completely comfortable with 
>> either one.  I know very little about art - for example, I don't know if all 
>> ".png" files have an alpha channel.  I'm also not sure if all images with an 
>> alpha channel are 24 bits deep.
>> Looking to see if either of these is better than the other, or if there is a 
>> different approach that I should take.  Open to suggestions.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Irv

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