You have to clone the repository

then do 

git submodule init 

git submodule update 


to clone the dependencies, then head up to the UWP folder and open the 
UWPApp.sln file, you must choose the 64 bits configuration and select the 
project at


Experiments/Pygame/Implementation/EmbeddedPygame as startup project. 


To setup the Xbox One environment you must own the rights of a license for 
developing apps for UWP, which is called the Creators Program (asides from 
paying a small fee it’s nothing special)) which costs around 20 USD, one-time 
and no renewal necessary.


You can test on a Windows 10 machine before moving into Xbox One.


When everything is setup you must enable the developer mode on Xbox and follow 
the steps, you must register your Xbox unit inside the Microsoft developer 
dashboard after installing the dev activation app. If you can’t enter developer 
mode (it happens), you can go to 


Settings > System > Console Info > Press LB RB LT RT and you’re set to go, just 
don’t change the default settings, also it is recommended to use the dev 
activation app instead.


I recently added threading support so music is working in a threaded fashion, 
I’m trying to port a more ambitious project called Lex-Stalionis, which is a 
complete engine implementation of Fire Emblem and a particular game.


I hope to get it running by the next month, which will enable most of the 
features pygame currently has.


If you get stuck at any step let me know and I’ll try to fix it, although 
everything should come as fine.




From: <> On Behalf Of 
René Dudfield
Sent: Sunday, November 8, 2020 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: [pygame] Aliens Sample Xbox One


Well done! Very nice :)


Do you have compilation instructions?

I have an Xbox One... so was wondering if it's possible to get something going 
on there, or do I need some special software/account or so?


Much excite.


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