Has anyone succeeded in creating popup menus with PyGtk?  I tried and
failed -- but then, I'm fairly new at Gtk, so I might be doing
something wrong on that front.  Here is the extract from the code I've 
tried to run:

from gtk import *
from GDK import *

class someclass (GtkWindow):
    def __init__ (self):
        GtkWindow.__init__ (self)
        self.set_events (BUTTON_PRESS_MASK)
        self.signal_connect ("button_press_event", self.display_menu)
        self.menu = self.create_menu ()

    def create_menu (self):
        menu = GtkMenu ()
        item = GtkMenuItem ("Change Directory...")
        item.connect ("activate", self.menu_change_directory)
        menu.append (item)
        item = GtkMenuItem ("Exit")
        item.connect ("activate", mainquit)
        menu.append (item)
        return menu

    def menu_change_directory (self, widget, event):
        pass     # just testing

    def display_menu (self, widget, event):
        print event
        self.menu.popup ()              # !!!!! What do I put here?
        return TRUE

mainloop ()

I have little clue as to what 6 arguments menu.popup() expects -- I
intuited that the last two should be event.button and event.time, but
I still don't know about the rest.  I ventured with `widget' as the
first one, but am still mystified about the second, and the callable
function is also strange.  testgtk.py doesn't attempt to create popup
menus, either.

Can somebody please help?
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