[ Has this response reached the list?  I've sent it once, but I don't
  see it in my inbox.  Sorry if you're reading this twice. ]

James Henstridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >From what I remember, the button press events are redirected to the panel
> when you add the widget to the applet with AppletWidget.add().  I think if
> you do something like:
>   a = AppletWidget('something')
>   box = GtkVBox()
>   a.add(box)  # box's events get redirected to panel
>   widget = GtkSomething()
>   box.pack_start(widget)  # widget's events do not get redirected

Does that actually work for you?  I have slightly different code that
looks like this:

class DropHole(gnome.applet.AppletWidget):
    def __init__(self):
        dnd_victim = gtk.GtkEventBox()
        dnd_victim.connect("button_press_event", self.mouse_click)

And self.mouse_click() still doesn't get called for button2.  In fact,
it does when I click on it several times in succession.  :-(

Any other thoughts?
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