> Another question about CLists: is there a good way to set the focus
> row to a given position, even on C level? The only way I have found is
> to emit a scroll_vertical signal with SCROLL_JUMP, which expects a
> relative value (0..1) for the postion; you need the number rows to
> calculate this value.

I think this C function does the trick but I haven't found a way to do it
in python :-(.

   gtk_clist_set_focus_row(GtkCList *list, guint row) 
       g_return_if_fail(list != NULL); 
       g_return_if_fail(row >= 0); 
       g_return_if_fail(row < list->rows); 

       list->focus_row = row; 

Hope this helps, I you find a good way to focus row in CList I would be
happy to hear about it!!!

                        Daniel Kornhauser

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