
Just checked, and my Linux box at work has only Gtk+ 1.2.3
installed.  It's the machine at home that has 1.2.6 installed.

Of all the things I've lost in life
I miss my mind the most.

Mitch Chapman wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> > There were some threading bugs in some early versions of gtk+
> > (specifically with events_pending() and mainiteration()). You should
> > really use gtk+ >= 1.2.4.  I should have this check in the configure
> > script.
> ...
> I'm probably missing something, but the foregoing doesn't seem to
> explain the different behaviors between Linux and Solaris.  Both
> machines have Gtk+ 1.2.6 and pygtk 0.6.2.

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