Bernhard Herzog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> écrit:
> François Pinard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Matt Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> écrit:

> > > The easiest way to do this by far is to use the canvas.  [...]
> > > The canvas does all this for you.

> > Thanks for the example, Matt, but this is not pure `pygtk' (or GDK)
> > anymore, if it needs `gnome.ui' and GnomeCanvas.

> I don't think there's a way to do what you want in pure pygtk.

I guess you are right.  I just played with GIMP a bit, and indeed, I did
not see anti-aliased lines in it.  The GIMP goal is images, and lines are
only used in interaction tools.  While I hope that `pygtk' gives access
to the whole GTK/GDK, it does not have to provide what these do not have!

By the way, I may sometimes look like moaning, but do not read me that way.
I'm quite satisfied with `pygtk' so far.  I observed a few glitches (memory
leaks, slight problems in some interfaces), but nothing serious that would
prevent immediate usage.  Problems were surely reported and are likely solved
in later versions.  I may not be running the latest/greatest one, but as it
stands, `pygtk' looks quite solid to me already, and I enjoy it a great deal.
This is a blessing for me, and I'm grateful to James and his collaborators.

> FWIW, the development versions of Sketch [...]

I saved a few messages about Sketch already, and maybe the time would be
right for me to give it a good look.  It sounds interesting and appealing.

> > So, I would like to know if/how I can, using GTK and GDK, and the `pygtk'
> > interface to both, create and handle an alpha channel [...]

With some luck, I'll stumble on solutions while pursuing my study.
Of course, early hints are welcome.  I'll do my homework, anyway :-).

                             Keep happy, all.  It's fun being here!

François Pinard

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