On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, Jon Nelson wrote:

> > Clearly you're not filtering each list into its own folder.
> > Filtering is more than just nifty, it provides exactly what you
> > want. If it's in the pygtk folder, it's related to pygtk.
> Now that, you see, is an assumption.  I do, in fact, filter each mailing list into
> its own folder.  I still like the [pygtk].  Let's let this thread die here, 
> because next thing we'll be arguing about whose MTA is nicer/faster/better, 
> and whether vi or emacs or fte is the most useful editor.

The mailman documentation strongly recommends against Reply-To
mangling.  I have been on some lists where Reply-To mangling caused big
problems (once on the glade list, some idiot subscribed the list to
itself.  Everyone got about 30 copies of each message before it was

I think I will leave things as they are.


and emacs is the better editor :)

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