Quoting Martin Glueck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > In the case of the Entry widget, you can connect to focus_out. That
> will
> > be sent when the Entry looses to focus and you will get it after, Up,
> Down
> > and Tab or when the User clicks somewhere outside the Entry.
> But that is not really what I want to achieve.
> I want to implement a kind of word completion when somebody press
> ALT-SPACE, for example.
> So is there any other way than connecting to `KEY_DOWN' and using the
> mask and key code ?

Ah. No, you must connect to the key_press signal. If you want to
"swallow" the key (ie. the Entry should not see it), you can call
emit_stop_my_name(). I'm using this to scroll a CList from
within an Entry (if I would not swallow the signal, the Up/Down
events would move the focus).

But something else I noticed: While I'm in an Entry, the accelerators
don't work anymore (ie. I cannot activate the _Ok button with Alt-O).
Any ideas how to solve this ?

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