On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, James Henstridge wrote:

> > the `GtkText' class ancestry
> > 
> > Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_signal_connect_full(): could not find signal
> > "enter" in the `GtkText' class ancestry
> > 
> > Okay, fine, that means I need to use a signal that exists.  (I
> > think).  But what I -rally- want to do is link 'Ctrl-f1' to the 'clicked'
> > signal on a button elsewhere.  
> > 
> > How do I do this - specifically in python/Glade.  :)
> This is not pygtk problem.  You can't just invent signal names like
> that.  Accelerators have to activate an existing signal on an object.  If
> you just want to catch some other key presses on a particular widget, then
> connect to its key_press_event signal, and handle the key presses there.

That's sort of along the lines of what I was thinking, but do I simply
put in Glade an event 'clicked' and specify a handler for another button

Can you give me a quick code example?

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