On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Alexandre Fayolle wrote:
> Ahem. In the above snippet of doc, 'gint' is a type, not a member. ;o)

I knew that.  Really.  Blame it on the cold.

> The python mappings are very easy to use: the keyevent parameter you get
> is a python object with attributes that match the names of the C structure
> members. If you want to react on a ^C, for example, you can do something
> like:
> import GDK
> def keyevent_handler(widget,keyevent):
>     if keyevent.keyval=GDK.C and keyevent.state=GDK.CONTROL_MASK:
>         # do something here
>         pass
> Does this answer your question?

It did, once the fever listed and I noticed you used '=' instead of '=='

Thanks tons!

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