again I've got a weird question:

When I draw pixmaps onto a GdkDrawable using draw_pixmap(),
transparency will be completely ignored. Is there any way around
this? I want to draw pixmaps _with_ transparency onto a GdkPixmap.

It seems to be possible for GdkPixmaps to have transparent areas.
Consider the following piece of code:

  from gtk import *
  import _gtk

  win = GtkWindow()
  pix = win.get_window()
  root = _gtk.gdk_get_root_win()  # _root_window() doesn't work...
  gc = root.new_gc()
  draw_pixmap(root, gc, pix, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, 200)

This puts the background of the window into the root window.
But if there are parts of the window covered or otherwise out of view,
those parts are not copied to the root window, thus I assume there
is transparency possible for GdkPixmaps (the covered parts seem
to be transparent).

Please help, if you can!
Thank you.

Martin Grimme - http://www.pycage.de

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