On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Martin Grimme wrote:

> Hello,
> again I've got a weird question:
> When I draw pixmaps onto a GdkDrawable using draw_pixmap(),
> transparency will be completely ignored. Is there any way around
> this? I want to draw pixmaps _with_ transparency onto a GdkPixmap.
> It seems to be possible for GdkPixmaps to have transparent areas.
> Consider the following piece of code:
>   from gtk import *
>   import _gtk
>   win = GtkWindow()
>   win.show()
>   pix = win.get_window()
>   root = _gtk.gdk_get_root_win()  # _root_window() doesn't work...
>   gc = root.new_gc()
>   draw_pixmap(root, gc, pix, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, 200)
> This puts the background of the window into the root window.
> But if there are parts of the window covered or otherwise out of view,
> those parts are not copied to the root window, thus I assume there
> is transparency possible for GdkPixmaps (the covered parts seem
> to be transparent).

Pixmaps do not have an alpha channel, so by default, they won't be drawn
shaped.  When you load a pixmap in pygtk, you may have noticed that you
get both a pixmap and the corresponding mask.  If you are not using the
mask when doing your drawing, then you are doing something wrong :)

To use the mask returned when creating the pixmap, you need to assign it
to the clip_mask attribute of the GC before drawing.  Also, you will need
to set clip_x_origin and clip_y_origin attributes if you aren't going to
draw the pixmap at (0,0).  Now anything you draw with that GC will be
clipped to the mask.

> Please help, if you can!
> Thank you.
> Martin Grimme - http://www.pycage.de


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