On Sat, 05 Jan 2002 16:55:43 +0800 James Henstridge (James Henstridge

> The pixmap must be of the same depth as the visual you are drawing into 
> (almost always the same depth your X server runs at).

The pixmap -i'm using is made with depth set to -1, this should work right?
I previously made the mask with depth 1, now I tried with -1, still doesn't work.

It exits with:
  Gdk-ERROR **: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
    serial 646 error_code 8 request_code 56 minor_code 0

> If you want transparency, you simply need to set up a mask bitmap. 
>  Parts of the mask bitmap with pixel value 0 (black) are transparent, 
> and parts with value 1 (white) are opaque.

What do you mean by pixel value?
And what is the correct way to make a bitmap (ie. not a pixmap).

Up until now I've tried making the mask by drawing the excact same graphics on it
as on the pixmap, only using black and white. This doesn't work.

Im a bit confused here ;)

Christian Storgaard / Cybolic - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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