On Thu, Jan 17 @ 18:34, Pedro Rodriguez wrote:
> On Thursday 17 January 2002 17:17, Michael Gilfix wrote:
> Mike, I think you are just killing the algorithms for layout management 
> by mixing GtkTable and GtkHBox ;) Or maybe it will require refinement
> on the layout constraints.
> I propose a simpler approch with GtkScrolledWindow :
> < t = gtk.GtkHBox ()
> < table = gtk.GtkTable (2, 1)
> < t.add (table)
> < text = gtk.GtkText ()
> < text.set_usize (-1, 150)
> < table.attach (text, 0, 1, 0, 1)
> < scroll = gtk.GtkVScrollbar (text.get_vadjustment ())
> < table.attach (scroll, 1, 2, 0, 1, xoptions=gtk.FILL)
> ---
> > import GTK
> > t = gtk.GtkScrolledWindow()
> > text = gtk.GtkText()
> > t.add_with_viewport(text)

  Yeah, that does the trick. I realize now that back when I wrote the
code, I was basing it on an example demonstrating text scrolling,
which probably avoided the scroll window for the reasons outlined in
your patch. Fortunately, I don't really need to access the scroll bar.
You're a life saver Pedro :)

              -- Mike

Michael Gilfix

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