Hi to all,
I'm learning the new gtk2 and in particular the multiline text widgets (TextBuffer
 TextView & Co.)
My idea is to see if I can use theese widgets in my app. The app is basically and
editor for Python and since now I've used the Scintilla widget that's very cool!
So first question:
Is it possible to create a class based on new widgets of gtk2,that implements 
a widget with syntax styling, folding and everythings else like Scintilla? 
I suppose that the answer is Yes, but how much difficult will it be (in particular
the auto-highlight of text and the folding rutine)?
And now about TextIter:
can you explain me in a few words what is a TextIter and how to create one (probably
an example will be the perfect explanation) 

[An off topic question: does anybody know when we can have a glade2 program 
to play with?]

Thank you very much!

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