Pier Carteri wrote:

>Hi to all,
>I'm learning the new gtk2 and in particular the multiline text widgets (TextBuffer
> TextView & Co.)
>My idea is to see if I can use theese widgets in my app. The app is basically and
>editor for Python and since now I've used the Scintilla widget that's very cool!
>So first question:
>Is it possible to create a class based on new widgets of gtk2,that implements 
>a widget with syntax styling, folding and everythings else like Scintilla? 
>I suppose that the answer is Yes, but how much difficult will it be (in particular
>the auto-highlight of text and the folding rutine)?
If it can be done with the Tk text widget, it can be done with 
GtkTextView (probably).  There are also a number of things the gtk 
widget can do that Tk can't.

>And now about TextIter:
>can you explain me in a few words what is a TextIter and how to create one (probably
>an example will be the perfect explanation) 
Text iters represent a position in the text buffer.  You can create them 
with a GtkTextBuffer object as follows:
  iter = buffer.get_iter_at_line_offset(linenum, charoffset)
  iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(charoffset)
  iter = buffer.get_start_iter()
  iter = buffer.get_end_iter()
  start_iter, end_iter = buffer.get_bounds()

There are a few other text buffer methods for creating iters, but those 
should be enough most of the time.  You can then use iter methods to 
advance by chars, words or lines, etc.

>[An off topic question: does anybody know when we can have a glade2 program 
>to play with?]
I don't know when glade2 will be ready.  There is also a port of the old 
glade to gtk 2.  I don't know the branch name for this though.  As a 
third option, you can do your interface in glade as normal, and use 
libglade-convert to convert the .glade file to the new format.


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