On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 10:10:26AM -0400, Andrew Reid wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 02, 2002 at 02:38:12AM -0400, Matt Wilson wrote:
> > For dialog boxes,
> > make sure you're passing in the parent window when creating the dialog
> > box.  Then GTK will set up the correct hints that would make window
> > managers treat the dialog window as a child of its parent.  
>   Out of curiosity, to whom should one pass the parent window?
> GtkDialog's pygtk __init__ takes only the optional _obj argument
> (and self, of course), but it seems to me that this has to be
> the "_gtk" version of the dialog itself, if there is one.
>   Do you mean set_wmclass or set_geometry_hints in the GtkWindow
> class?  I'd be grateful if you could elaborate on this, it doesn't
> seem at all obvious to me.

Just out of my hat, perhaps set_transient_for() ?

Take care,
Christian Reis, Senior Engineer, Async Open Source, Brazil.
http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 272 3330 | NMFL
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