oka I forced the src files so I could import them, but now
        when I try to do something they don't really work.

        I undid the changes.  I think I found the problem
        but I really don't know how to fix it:

        I have a gtk.py module and a directory gtk in my
        site-packages dir. the objects that the libglade and
        gnomu.ui packages can't find are in that file.

        Should this be that way??

        P: Alexander the instruccions on the tgz that I downloaded 
        say that I did a correct instalation.  I wo'n't put my hands
        in the fire for them but I followed them.  And there is no
        Setup.py in there so I can installed them through distutils
                Muchas personas creen que piensan,
                cuando en realidad sólo están reordenando sus
                                        - William James
      /  .-.               Pablo Endres Lozada                        .-.  \
     |  /   \       Laboratorio Docente de Computacion              /   \  |
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