
Unfortunately I dropped the support of the pygtk-0.6.x serie on win32 when Tor Lillquist started to use glib-2.0 as a requirement for the gtk+-1.3.0 branch on win32. Maintaining pygtk-0.6.x had become a nightmare because of the ever changing gtk+ library names and dependencies. I decided to move to the much more stable gtk+-2.0 and the pygtk-1.99 branch (see the corresponding FAQ entry). For the pygtk-0.6.x branch, I was basically using Hans Breuer modified source code (http://hans.breuer.org/ports/). Of course, you can always try to compile this port with python 2.2 and the latest gt+-1.3.0 libraries on win32 but I strongly recommend you to switch to pygtk-1.99.x !!!


At 12:51 PM 11/29/2002 -0200, you wrote:
On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 10:22:37PM -0400, LDC - Pablo Endres Lozada wrote:
>       Hi, I've been looking for a port of pygtk-0.6.9 for win32
>       and python 2.2.  Does anyone happen to have one??

Maybe Cédric can cook you up a version. Cédric, haven't heard from you
in a while ;-)

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