On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 15:59, Greg Ward wrote:
> Hi all -- I'm trying to create a SpinButton whose maximum value can be
> changed later.  (Actually, the value of one SpinButton becomes the
> maximum of another, but that's not really relevant.)  From reading the
> GTK+ tutorial, it looks as though this:
> """
> from gtk import *
> w = GtkWindow(WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
> adj = GtkAdjustment(1, 1, 99, 1, 1, 1)
> sb = GtkSpinButton(adj, 1, 0)
> sb.set_wrap(True)
> w.add(sb)
> adj2 = sb.get_adjustment()
> adj2.upper = 5
> adj2.changed()
> print "adj2.upper = %r" % adj2.upper
> print "sb.get_adjustment().upper = %r" % sb.get_adjustment().upper
> w.signal_connect("destroy", mainquit)
> w.show_all()
> mainloop()
> """
> should work, ie. the SpinButton should have a max of 5 when it's
> actually rendered.  But it doesn't; the damn thing always has a max of
> 99, and I cannot figure out any sequence of adj2.changed(),
> sb.set_adjustment(), sb.update(), etc. that make it work as expected.
> Am I missing some obvious wrinkly of GtkSpinButton and GtkAdjustment?

Wrinkle yes, obvious no. Try using 

adj2.set_all(adj2.value, adj2.lower, adj2.upper, adj2.step_increment,
adj2.page_increment, adj2.page_size)

instead of adj2.changed()

> (Oh yeah, I'm using GTK+ 1.2 and pygtk 0.6.11, mainly because I failed
> to notice the 'python2.2-gtk2' package in Debian unstable.  I'll go see
> how things work if I upgrade now.)
> Thanks --
>         Greg
Racemi, Inc.

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