We also have distutils support, maybe that will be easier for you, just

python setup.py install

add --prefix=/usr/local if you want to specify a prefix.

sön 2003-03-23 klockan 22.25 skrev George A. Dowding:
> Good to know but it produced essentially the same errors.
> %./autogen.sh --prefix=/home/george/local
> ... 
> [Warnings from auto*]
> [while running the configure script]
> ./ltconfig: Can't open ./ltconfig: No such file or directory
> configure: error: libtool configure failed
> James Henstridge writes:
>  > George A. Dowding wrote:
>  > 
>  > >Any help would be appreciated.
>  > >
>  > >I am trying to comple pygtk from cvs with patches to use VTK.
>  > >My current problem relate to the more general issue of compiling
>  > >pygtk from source.  I tried following the directions from here
>  > >http://www.airs.com/ian/configure/configure_2.html#SEC10
>  > >  
>  > >
>  > Try running this:
>  >   ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr
>  > 
>  > (or whatever prefix you want to install it into).
Johan Dahlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Async Open Source

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