On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 23:03, Martijn Brouwer wrote:
> Hi,
> For a program I am writing I need a text editor that is written in Python and has a 
> gtk2 or gnome2 interface. I searched freshmeat but found nothing. I contacted the 
> author of Moleskine quit some time ago and he said he would come up with at gtk2 
> version, but the developement seems quite dead.
> Is there somebody who knows a suitable program or is writing one? At this moment a 
> wealth of features is not important for me, but for the future I would like to have 
> syntax hightlighting.
> I considered writing one myself, but I am not even spending enough time on my own 
> application, so this hardly an option. Is gtk SourceWidget (being) ported? I guess 
> that when this is widget is available, writing a editor will be relatively easy.
> Martijn


Glimmer might help you. Here's an example of glimmer editor within gnome
in python.



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