> I'm writing because of two problems. At first, I wanted to make a 
> MessageDialog with a progress bar, while opening a process using
> popen2. My gtk.main() in this case stops executing program, so I can't
> move further. I think there *must* be something like gtk.main(), but
> letting go through whole program. Or mayber I'm wrong?


I've started a wrapper of Glib's spawning utilities.

I've wrapped 2 functions so far :

gboolean    g_spawn_command_line_async      (const gchar *command_line,
                                             GError **error);
This one let you start a program from your pygtk code, it is roughly the
same as fork() followed by exec().
(very easy to wrap ...)

gboolean    g_spawn_command_line_sync       (const gchar *command_line,
                                             gchar **standard_output,
                                             gchar **standard_error,
                                             gint *exit_status,
                                             GError **error);

This one is more interesting for you, it is basically the same as
popen() (no standard input though)
(quite simple to wrap)

I can provide my code if anyone is interested, it may even be included
in pygtk FAQ, because popen() doesn't work as expected with

Olivier Blin
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

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