If you use the PyGTK FAQ, or link to the FAQ, please read below.

On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 10:49:56PM +0800, Steve Chaplin wrote:
> The section:
> 13. Lists: GtkCList, GtkList, GtkTree, GtkCTree, GtkList/TreeView
> is very long and possibly confusing for the reader, it also covers
> deprecated widgets. How about separating it into two sections:
> "Lists: GtkCList, GtkList, GtkTree, GtkCTree - Deprecated in GTK+ 2.2"
> "GtkListView and GtkTreeView"
> Also it looks like 13.23, 13.24 are in the wrong section - they cover
> GtkTextView and would be more relevant to section 14, again I could not
> find an option that lets you move a faq into another section.

After Steve wrote me, I decided to do something about it, since it was a
real problem in my opinion. I've split 13 into a new section 24, which
holds deprecated list widgets. I expect others sections to appear after
it with other deprecated items as time goes by, but I'm keeping it
simple for now.

The downside is that almost all external FAQ links to section 13 are now
broken. I'm not sure anybody links straight into the FAQ, but I hate
linkrot so much I loathed to do this; however, I don't see a better
solution right now, so I'll place the burden on linkers and link
visitors: if you see a link to the wrong item in FAQ 13, please help fix
it (by emailing the sysadmin, if necessary). Thanks!

The upside is that section 13 is more manageable (and better ordered,
IMHO) now, and hopefully easier to read.

> I'm not sure if the FAQ software allows you to split one section into
> two sections, I could not find an option that allows this, so I thought
> I would mention it to you first.

As for this, there is no way to do this using the Web interface. I wrote
a script called move-faqwiz.sh that's now included in the Python 2.3
distribution, but it has to be run with direct access to the files. I've
used it to do the aforementioned split, for the record.

Take care,
Christian Reis | http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 261 2331
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

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