On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 11:54:23PM -0600, John Hunter wrote:
> >>>>> "Rick" == Rick Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Rick> Thanks very much -- should have looked there first,
>     Rick> obviously. Has anyone gotten gtk.gl working? Are there
>     Rick> simple instructions?
>     Rick> Sorry for all of the dumb questions. I'm nearing a release
>     Rick> date of an open-source molecular graphics program, and I
>     Rick> would like to be able to support Win32 in addition to Unix
>     Rick> and Mac OS X, so I got an old Win2K box and have been trying
>     Rick> to get it running on that platform. I've gotten everything
>     Rick> to work except for gtk.gl, so I'd be grateful for any help
>     Rick> people can offer.
> If possible, you should use gtkglext instead.  It runs on
> linux/unix/win32 and mac OS X, and superceeds gtk.gl.

I think in Rick's case, the best option would be to package gtk.gl
and distribute it separately (or with his application). It's a bit of
work to package, but keeps code compatibility with his current code. I
even proposed so in the relevant bug report!

Take care,
Christian Robottom Reis | http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 261 2331
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