At 03:34 AM 6/17/2004, Joel Becker wrote:
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 02:14:11PM -0400, John Ehresman wrote:
> I think this should continue to be an option, but I'd like to see a
> distutils / py2exe type solution so the 1st 3 steps can be eliminated.
> I'm not talking about eliminating pygtk / gtk distributions entirely,
> but rather making it easy for applications to easily include and use a
> private copy of the libraries.

you can py2exe your pygtk application but including the all GTK+ runtime with your application is overkill IMHO (the minimal distribution does not only include a few DLLs but also some configurations files (in the etc subdir) and locales.

Welcome to DLL Hell. No Thanks.

This discussion is not limited to the Windows world

See the post by Havoc on his blog

and the discussion on OSNews

Personally, I'm in favor of a GTK+ framework installer (à la .Net or Java) that only contains the GTK+ runtime as the basic component, with additional components (libraries, headers and development tools: libxml2, libglade, glade, gtkmm,...) available as extra packages (ideally through a net install package manager, something like the cygwin setup). Applications (gimp, gaim,...) would then each have their own installer that checks for the presence of this GTK+ framework. Same for pygtk, through its distutils-generated installer.

This of course implies that this GTK+ distribution is stable enough so that developers don't feel the need of embedding their own "patched" gtk+ runtime in their application installer. This is not a trivial request. For example, gtk+-2.4.3 is not yet available in binary form for win32 on Tor's page ( However, the gladewin32 project ( has a all-in-one installer that claims that the "Gtk+ runtime is updated to 2.4.3 with unofficial bug fixes". Can we rely on this one and what does "unofficial bug fixes" mean ?


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